The Java application library

At FinScope we built a general purpose library alongside our automated trading product. We used Open Source components for their obvious virtues as well as to save time. It's now time to repay the favour. After some revisions and improvements I am now releasing the library to the community.

The primary purpose of this library is to make scalable, flexible and message-based applications quicker and easier to write. Since writing any application places demands on the memory, I have tried to add as little as possible to what is already publicly available.

The packages in this library mirror the Java or third party packages they are intended to work with. Where possible I use the same package names. There are some other conventions I have adopted. First, the root package contains only the core classes and resources needed to make something work; utilities and other, non-essential, embellishments are in a subpackage named .etc. Second, each package is internationalised with a resource bundle: see the section on configuration for more details on this.

The packages in the library are:

Package nameRole
configurationDefining how classes can be configured and internationalised.
datasetA generic data container.
httpEmbedding the Simple HTTP engine in applications.
javascriptEmbedding JavaScript in applications.
jmsJava Messaging made even simpler.
loggingAn implementation of Java logging.
mathsFurther maths.
multicastAn framework for multicasting.
patternDesign pattern implementations.

These packages are described in the remainder of this page. Names in code font refer to classes and resources in the library.


Java Properties objects are the foundation for configuration throughout the library. The Configurable interface marks its implementers as being able to be configured using a properties object. As Properties only supports string values, a JavaProperties class provides a facade onto a properties object with Java type specific access methods.

ClassPathConfiguration is a singleton which can load properties files (note, with the suffix .conf rather than .properties) from the class path, either for a name or specific class.

Each package in the library is internationalised through using a resource bundle for text specific to that package. The LanguageResources class is a singleton that loads a number of resource bundles and uses these as text resources or message formats. LanguageResources has a subclass in each package which offers a shortcut singleton to the specific resource bundle for that package. All text output, for logging or exceptions, is translated from the bundle. The resource bundle is even used for XML formatting in the http package.



Many applications end up implementing a generic container for name-value pairs and this library is no exception. The DataSet class provides Java type accessor methods to a TreeMap: the package also defines an adapter interface to allow datasets to be quickly transformed. See, for example, the JMS package for a JMS map message DataSet adapter.


Embedded HTTP

Applications can be made more usable through making them HTTP aware. This does not always mean writing them as a web application; an alternative is to embed an HTTP engine into the application. The Simple HTTP engine is a particularly straightforward and efficient way of going this. The principal class in this library package, HttpServer makes embedding Simple a little easier through wrapping the server oriented Simple objects in a singleton.HttpServer allows servlets to be loaded and the HTTP service to be started and stopped. The LoggingServlet in the package extension illustrates both how Java logging can be controlled through HTTP and how the package language resource bundle can be used for XML formatting.

The Simple classes are a prerequisite for this package.

Using the HttpServer requires minimal coding. First, get the singleton and configure it with a properties file.

public void begin() {
    HttpServer http = HttpServer.getInstance();

The properties file, which of course may include other application properties, must contain the HTTP port number for the service, for example;

http.port = 30000

Next load implementations of the Simple BasicService class and assign them to their uri's. Then start the service and, when needed, stop it.

    http.load(LoggingServlet.class, "/admin/logging");
    http.load(StopServlet.class, "/admin/stop", this);

public void end() {


Embedded JavaScript

The javascript package provides convenience classes for embedding the mozilla Rhino JavaScript interpreter. The two classes in this package implement the tiered scopes suggested by mozilla for improved performance: the JavaScript singleton initialises a root scope with the standard JavaScript objects; while the Scope class fills the gap with Rhino in that there is no supplied object to represent a scope. Scope offers convenience methods for evaluating strings and files, and for instantiating JavaScript objects, arrays and Dates within the scope.

The .etc package contains a class for implementing various Java and library methods through a host object in JavScript.

The Rhino classes are a prerequisite for this package.


Java Messaging

This package provides two closely cooperating classes for using JMS topics. The JMSSession singleton handles all the connectivity with the JMS provider, and is also a factory for making and keeping JMSTopic objects. Each JMSTopic provides a single point for subscribing, publishing and requesting messages over a topic.

The package uses a JMS correlation id scheme which allows both requests and responses over the same JMS topic.

An example implementation with these classes. Get the session singleton and configure it with properties. Then open the session.

public void begin() {
    JMSSession jms = JMSSession.getInstance();

The properties need to contain slightly more than with the http package. Here is an example for Fiorano;

# JMS provider configuration.
#    = anonymous  = anonymous
java.naming.provider.url          = http://localhost:1856
java.naming.factory.initial       = fiorano.jms.runtime.naming.FioranoInitialContextFactory
# Session configuration.
connection.factory                = PrimaryTCF

Once the session is open, add any subscribers (implementors of the JMS MessageListener interface) for topics using the JMSTopic class, then start receiving messages.

public void subscribe() {
    JMSSession jms = JMSSession.getInstance();
    JMSTopic ticker = jms.getTopic("ticker");
    ticker.subscribe(new TickerListener(this));

Each JMS topic should have the message time to live and priority configured in the same JMS properties as above. For example, with the 'ticker' topic;

# TICKER topic configuration.
# = 60000
ticker.priority     = 4

The JMSTopic instances provide publishing and requesting methods as well;

public void publish() {
    JMSTopic ticker = JMSSession.getInstance().getTopic("ticker");
    MapMessage msg = ticker.makeMapMessage();

public void request() {
    JMSTopic ticker = JMSSession.getInstance().getTopic("ticker");
    MapMessage request = ticker.makeMapMessage();
    MapMessage reply = ticker.request(request);


Java logging

The decision on logging was difficult not because it is controversial - the library uses logging to advise on all status and exceptions - but because of preferences in the underlying logging package. I have used log4j and will doubtless extend the library logging package to use it; but for now this package is a simple implementation of Java logging.



The maths package principally contains classes oriented towards finance, including a Black-Scholes options model. Subpackages also define a range of average price calculators (simple and exponential moving averages, plus VWAP and TWAP); and stock price models.



The multicast package implements a framework for multicasting which is similar to JMS. A MulticastSession class defines the IP address and character conversion for the session, plus methods for sending multicast packets using a given protocol. The .etc package defines two such protocols: an elementary protocol and another, MulticastSessionProtocol which prevents published packets from being received by an observer with the same session id.


Some of the Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides design patterns - and others

Of course, the prime reference for this is the Design Patterns book (ISBN 0-201-63361-2). I have followed the naming conventions of the authors wherever possible. Some of the patterns are simply marker interfaces, for example those for Singleton and Visitor. The memento pattern is more elaborate, as there are interfaces for both the Memento and the MementoOriginator. The Memento interface also allows for an (optional) persistence mechanism using byte arrays.

One pattern that is not in Design Patterns is closure. I was introduced to this by Mark Chaplin and have persisted with it because of its benefits. The principle of closures is that a class owning a collection of objects does not expose an iterator on that collection but instead implements methods which allow a visitor-like class to see each member in the collection. The advantages are that the owner keeps control over synchronisation, casting and the sequence and selection for the iteration: the exposed methods are much like a query language on the collection. The downside (for some) is that the implementation of the visitor usually requires inner classes.

For example; a closure on some class ...

public interface ThingClosure extends Closure {
    public void visit(Thing thing);

... with some things owned by another class ...

public class ThingOwner {

    private Thing[] things;

    public void forEachOddThing(ThingClosure closure) {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.things.length; i += 2) {


... and an application which needs to see these things.

public class Application {

    private ThingOwner owner;

    public void execute() {
        this.owner.forEachOddThing(new ThingClosure() {
            public void visit(Thing thing) {
                //do something



The util package

This package contains some classes with useful methods for dealing with byte arrays, Bytes, and strings, Strings. There is also a text formatting class and a Java Date equivalent for universal time, UTC.
